August 20, 2010

London adds yet another fashion college to the list

Are you aspiring to become a professional stylist, but don’t have the time (2 or 3 years) dare say the money (£3,300 for the course alone!) to go to London College of Fashion, or any of the other great fashion colleges around the globe, fear not. In September, London College of Style provides a new way of getting a foot in the door of the industry that is fashion styling.

The school’s founders are none other than celebrity fashion stylist, Wendy Elsmore, and model, stylist, and fashion expert, Kate Smith. They have styled, modelled, spoken as fashion experts, and much, much more for channels such as BBC and ITV, labels such as Gucci, EMI, and Elizabeth Arden, and publications such as Vogue, Marie Claire, and The Times. On the new school’s website, it says that the founders will be involved in the teaching process, which is very abnormal for fashion styling courses, and high profile guest speakers will come and give lectures to the students.

The founders of LCS

The course will especially focus on providing the students with skills that will help them in the fashion industry, instead of just giving them the theory behind it, because LCS thinks that, “The fashion industry is an individual one and is often unimpressed by qualifications, favouring hands on experience and photographic evidence of individual talent.” – Regarding the photographic evidence, all the in-situ students will do a photo shoot in the end of the program with a model and a photographer, which will result in a stylist portfolio for the graduates to use later on.

All of this sounds rather interesting, but how will the students get work in the end? The school will provide them with a contact resource book, so they will have a better chance of getting a job, and, as they put it on the website: “Students that demonstrate both exceptional ability and brilliant creativity - those who radiate star quality, will be considered for employment/contracts and work experience opportunities.”

You can enroll in three different kinds of courses – and the school doesn’t even require any prior qualifications! A Fashion Styling Foundation Course that consists of 12 modules over 12 weeks. An E-Learning Course, which is suitable for those who aren’t able to attend the Fashion Styling Course in London because of lack of time or because they live far away (such as Denmark!). This course consists of 11 modules lasting from 11 weeks up to 6 months depending on the student’s pace. And finally, a Retailers Visual Merchandising Course, where companies can train their employees.

Enough babbling for now, I just saw the new school and got really excited about it. Check it out on:

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